Saturday, 5 June 2010

Fully Parsed Trading Ecosystem Denotation Control Grammar

Areas to consider in the construction of a grammar suitable for expressing the post-modern and post-information age trading ecosystem:

- Parsing by a wide-coverage grammar
- Denotation of a grammar
- Context free grammars used to specify syntax and serve as a basis for parser design
- Dynamic theory of a grammar called Procedural Grammar, where grammatical knowledge reduces to the union of parsing and generation procedures. Grammatical constraints are constraints on processing.
- Lexicon: Contains syntactic and semantic information about words
- Knowledge Base: A formalised representation of a vast quantity of financial knowledge: facts, rules of thumb, and heuristics for reasoning about the objects and events in the trading ecosystem
- Glyphs: The kinds of glyphs to be drawn and the vocabulary and grammar for speech and natural language systems must be known in advance
- Vocabulary: Financial trading tasks require unnatural restrictions on vocabulary (e.g. list of legal names) and specialised phrases - "high frequency trading", "algo trading", "low-latency connectivity", "direct market access", "trend following", etc
- Concepts: Specialised financial concepts
- Conceptual Information: types of entities, timing information, intent of actions
- Language: Visual language used in the financial markets (e.g. Bar Charts, Candlestick Charts, Volume Charts, Equivolume Charts, Point & Figure Charts)